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Welcome to EMERSLEIGH Estate!


We trust you enjoy looking over our website and hope that you can visit us at soon!


  -  EMERSLEIGH Estate is a vineyard and boutique winery @ 71 Stewart Road, Emerald, Vic 3782

  -  The vineyard is on the southern edge of the Yarra Valley GIR

  -  Only 5 minutes from the heart of Emerald and  10 minutes drive to Monbulk


We sell our wine under two brands names, EMERSLEIGH & Off The Wall.

The EMERSLEIGH brand is used for our sparkling wine range and we will only use fruit from our vineyard for these wines.  

OFF THE WALL is the brand name for our table wines. Off The Wall wines are predominantly made from the fruit grown on the property, but occasionally we offer up some interesting wines sourced from other vineyards.  


Vineyard Establishment:

The vineyard was established in November 1996, when we started planting grapevines with 6 acres being planted over the next 2 years. We have made some minor changes to the grape varieties over time (adding Sauvignon Blanc in 2007 and Tempranillo in 2019).

The vineyard currently consists of approximately 4 acres of Pinot Noir (3 clones), 1 acre of Chardonnay (3 clones), 0.4 acres of Shiraz, 0.3 acre of Sauvignon Blanc and 0.3 acres of Tempranillo . 


The winery was completed in May 2011. The majority work was done by ourselves and friends.

The winery incorporates the Tasting room (cellar door & outdoor patio) and the processing area, where wines are stored (in barrels, tanks and bottles). The processing area becomes very busy at vintage time (March and April) with grapes being received, crushed, fermented and finally stored in tanks and barrels.


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